最近好日子特別多 大家伙的生日也很密集呢
Dear Piano:
Thanks much!
I was wondering who would have remembered my b-day on this Wed(9/28). and whether there will be blessing words from the Stdominic page...
Thanks so much for still remembering me and many others.
I often thought about the moments when we said goodbye to each other on the corridor of Taipei train station. Still remember the picture when you turned your smiling face and cute short hair turning back and said to me, "keep in touch".
Now, I am looking at the clouds and blue sky outside of my office and wonder how's everything with you all... I turned 40 this week, and have spent at least half of my life if I am lucky enough to live up to 80 years old or longer.... :)
Life is indeed short and full of possibilities, isn't it? Those like you who try their best to work hard, play hard and treat others with pure love will always be remembered!
God bless!!!
2011/10/1 (六) 8:17 AM
Dear Piano:
I actually almost dropped my tears when i wrote you the previous reply. It's strange that I almost cry everytime whenever I wrote you some messages. does this mean that I miss you too much???? For all of my messages to you (this and the future ones), you can decide what to do with them (post it or save it or maybe draw a picture about it - see I give you a challenging test, isn't it? ) because I consider each of my messages - short or long as a gift to you from my heart with sincerity and blessings.
it's October now. Some of the leaves are showing the first signs of turning and crispness has returned to the mornings . . . Autumn is making her appearance. This is a rather comfortable weather compared with summer and rather relaxing season versus winter. It perhaps also reminds me to slow down the pace and reflect what has been done this year, which lessons have been learned, what mistakes were made unpurposely and, most importantly - what is my heart is still chasing and the direction perhaps needs to be adjusted a bit....
How about you? Have you had a fulfilled year? We still have a remaining quarter to make it a good ending of year 2011, isn't it?
May we learn to make the best and most suitable choices in our lives.
Missing you,